How to Reset Your Elastix PBX Web Admin Password?

I was working on a Clients PBX as they forgot the Admin password, so in looking for a solution I came across this little fix that you can use to change the password in the database.  You normally login via the Elastix web interface which looks something like this below.

Elastix Web Login page

Once you can’t access you will have to open up a SSH connection to the server and reset the password in the database.  Basic steps below

1. Login using root privileges and run either of these two commands.

Replace newpassword with the password you want to use for the admin login.

sqlite3 /var/www/db/acl.db "UPDATE acl_user SET md5_password='`echo -n newpassword|md5sum|cut -d' ' -f1`' WHERE name='admin'"

or to reset the password to “password” you can use the following command

sqlite3 /var/www/db/acl.db "UPDATE acl_user SET md5_password='5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99' WHERE name='admin'"


Refer to Elastix websites For more information on the Elastix Unified Communications server, please visit the following links: