There are two different types of AVG software, please refer to the corresponding section for the version you have.

AVG Anti-Virus

The AVG antivirus program has a Resident Shield which blocks executable files, and may prevent LogMeIn.exe and LogMeInSystray.exe from operating properly.

To resolve the problem,

  1. Right-click the AVG icon in the Windows systray, then click Launch AVG Control Center.
  2. Next, right-click the Resident Shield, click Properties.
  3. Uncheck the “Activate Resident Shield” box to deactivate the Resident Shield.
  4. Next, right-click the LogMeIn systray icon and click “Enable LogMeIn …”

At this point, the host computer can reattach to the website.  Thereafter, when logging into the LogMeIn website, the name of target computer will display as a blue link, indicating that it is online.

AVG Internet Security

Included with AVG Internet Security is a firewall component that may prevent LogMeIn from operating properly.

To resolve the problem, follow these steps:

  1. Right-click the AVG icon in the Windows systray, then click Launch AVG Control Center
  2. Select Tools, then Firewall Settings
  3. Under the “Profiles” option on the left side of the screen, click the + next to the bottom profile listed, i.e., “Standalone computer” or “Small home or office network”
  4. Click the + next to “Applications”
  5. Find LogMeIn in the list and modify the Application action to Allow for all
  6. Scroll back up to Applications and click on it so it is highlighted
  7. Select Add on the right hand side of the page
  8. Click the button next to Path and browse to C:\Program Files\LogMeIn\x86 x64 for 64 bit OS.
  9. Select LogMeInSystray.exe and click Open
  10. Change the Application action to Allow for all and select Apply
  11. Repeat these steps for the following LogMeIn files: LMIGuardian.exe, raabout.exe

Once these steps have been completed, right-click the LogMeIn systray icon and click Open LogMeIn.   Once the LogMeIn toolkit opens, click on the power button in the top left corner to disable LogMeIn.  Once disabled, click on the power button again to re-enable LogMeIn. LogMeIn should no longer appear as Enabled but offline.

3 Responses

  1. Thanks, this worked like a breeze. AVG only picked up LOGMEIN.EXE which obviously was not sufficient.

  2. Also need to add “C:\Program Files\LogMeIn\x86\LogMeInToolkit.exe” as “LogMeIn Desktop Toolkit”